Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Performance

Last Wednesday was Academie Lafayette's Christmas concert, and Lisa and I's first official Christmas concert as parents.  While in preschool, Collin had a couple of roles in the Nativity story.  One year and the Angel Gabriel and the other as one of the Wise men.  But this year was bigger. 

Here we are all packed into the school's auditorium.  Lisa, her aunt Susan, my dad's wife Mary, and that dark figure next to her is my dad.  Lisa's step-father Kevin was there too, but he got there a little late.  He had to watch from the balcony.  

Wednesday was only grades K through 3rd.  There would have been NO WAY POSSIBLE to get all the grades in one night.  The French like sardines, don't they?

There were lots of skits about trash bags.  I think they wanted us to purchase them or something.  This here is the principal wearing one.  
Sorry the picture isn't so good, but thats with a flash and everything. We were so far back that if I tried to zoom in any closer it starts blur. This is the all of the Kindergarten classes.  There are 22 kids in Collin's class, so I'm guessing there are around 4 or 5 K classes total. It is definitely the largest in the school.  Can you spot Collin?

What you can barely spot on the left is a guy in a brown leather jacket.  He stood in the aisle during the whole Kindergarten song. Lisa and I could see Collin perfectly, but he caused a freak out session by her aunt and my step-mother.

After messing with the camera I was able to zoom in a little more. Right there in the middle is Collin, singing "Must Be Santa" with all of his classmates.  I think the dark photos look kinda creepy, especially when you focus on the kids eyes.  When we got home and view all the photos, I zoomed in on this one because I thought I saw something weird.

If you look to the right, it kinda looks as if Batman's nemesis the Scarecrow is singing behind him.  


The 20% rule. said...

That's 'effing scarecrow!

Oh, and start watching for Collin to start flying kites in the front yard when there is no wind.

Tember said...

Good blogging, I liked the scarecrow bit ;-)

Anonymous said...

I stopped in because I felt I could use a little "word verification therapy". Jared, my friend, how's the meat supply these days? It's nearly Christmas time, and I have been so negligent. As fitting for the youngest member of my fave nuclear family, Collin is absolutely radiant in that picture. Wish I could have heard the little guy! "Great little fellow he is". JR

Anonymous said...

Oh this confounded blog apparatus!

I'm struggling to make a name for myself. Do you have a "help" link?

Disregard this if my name comes up at the top of this entry.