Monday, September 22, 2008

Lawn Jockey IV

It has been nearly 3 months since we seeded the dirt patch surrounding the oak tree in our front yard. If you care to follow the progress, you can go here, here, then here.  Now, thanks to some massive drenching rain, the grass is starting to look like my father's head.  Meaning that there is still some life there, but it is fading fast. We have got to hit the re-seeding fast and soon.

On a side note, I was out mowing the lawn yesterday when this strange man came walking up to me.  As I turned off the mower and took the ipod headphones out of my ears, he greets me with a "I just couldn't stand that noise anymore."  He was talking about my lawnmower, which I admit doesn't make the sweetest of sounds, but I thought that was kind of rude.  He had been working on the home a few houses down from ours.  he and his crew had been there for 3 straight weeks doing a complete makeover.  Hammering, banging, crushing, sawing, drilling and all out noise for 3 straight weeks.  And he comes over to tell me that he doesn't like the sound of my lawnmower?!?!?  What nerve!!!!

He then proceeds to look at the mower, asking me questions about the gas, the blades,  and whether or not I've hit a rock or anything lately.  I responded to everything question with a rather disapproving tone.  I was kind of flabbergasted about the situation.  He then asks for a screwdriver and takes something apart.  Apparently some spongy-looking thing connected to the engine was clogged, making it sound like it was on permanent choke.  How was I to know, I had headphones on.  He told me how to clean it then went on his way. Yeah sure, he was only trying to be nice, but that really pissed me off.  

So I cleaned the spongy-thing, put it all back together and continued mowing. 10 seconds later the mower dies.  The 70 year old boy scout comes back over and looks at it again.  At this moment the thought of the Seinfeld episode in which George lets an old friend's father look at his car and then completely destroys it, is going through my brain.  He asks if I cleaned the spongy-thing with water, and I say "Sure did" because he told me to.  So now the engine is flooded. GREAT!!!  ASSHOLE!!!!!  A few moments he fixes it and watched carefully as I cut a few strips.  He said something before he walked away but I didn't hear him.  I sheepishly mouthed "thank you" and continued to mow.

Sure this guy was just trying to be nice.  Clearly.  But who goes up to a random stranger mowing his lawn and says, "I can't stand that noise anymore"??? Thank goodness I'm not a serial killer or something, otherwise that would have been a one-way ticket to the secret room in my basement.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

High Neighbor!

I have put off blogging about this because I have been waiting for more information to develop. But it has been a week now and nothing new has surfaced.

Last Wednesday I was here, upstairs on the computer, when I looked out the window and noticed these two large pick-up trucks in front of my neighbor's house. I didn't think much about it, even when this large bald guy got out of one of the trucks and started taking pictures of the house. I thought to myself, "Maybe Fred and Barney (that's what we'll call them today) are thinking about selling their house or something. That's why that guy is taking photos."

When I came downstairs I noticed a Missouri Highway Patrol car parked in front of our house. Then, as I got closer to the window, i noticed another one parked in my neighbor's driveway. Neither Fred nor Barney's cars where there so they must have been at work. Aside from the four strange cars there, they people that drove them were nowhere to be seen. I called Lisa to ask her opinion as to why Highway Patrol would be out there and not regular police officers. Right then a couple of guys with State Trooper vests came out of the house and started taking "things" to the back of their trucks. At first glance through the blinds I thought it was computer stuff.

As I was relaying to Lisa what was happening, I saw that our neighbor across the street was in her doorway watching as well. I quickly waved and gave her a shoulder shrug, then she came out of her home and crossed the street. She said she had been watching for at least an hour. When all the cars arrived they spent at least 30 minutes at the front door. After a while, a couple of cops went around back. Then after about 10 minutes, one of the cops opened the front door from the inside and let everyone else in. She also said she go a good look at what was being taken out of the house: Lamps, extension cords, and things in big bags. Looks like our neighbors have been growing the wacky tobacky.

I left about 10 minutes later to go play frisbee golf. When I got back a couple of hours later, everything seemed back to normal. That night I noticed Fred get home. Barney on the other hand, I have not seen him nor his car since. I haven't talked to Fred yet, though I want to. We have always gotten along. Both he and his brother and extremely nice people. Usually we see each other as one of us is leaving or vice versa, but not recently. Though I notice that Fred still seems to be going about his life as if nothing strange had happened. I am not going to force the issue. But I am still very curious as to what had happened to his brother.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Are You Ready For Some Football???

Yes. Yes I am. Thank you for asking.

I am also ready for the Kansas City Chiefs to go 4 and 12. The only good that will come out of that will be the end of Carl Peterson.

What an Ass.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Swimming Lessons

Due to Improv Thunderdome this weekend, I was unable to go down to Lisa's aunt's lakehouse.  What I missed was this...

Collin literally swimming in the lake water.

I know it doesn't really seem like that big of a deal, but the last time we went down to the lake Collin didn't even want to get in the water, let alone touch it.  He spent most of his time playing on this inflatable island that was attached by a long rope to the dock .  He wouldn't even let anybody hold him in the water while they drifted him over to this giant floating moonwalk.  Someone would have to push it over to the dock so he could just jump on.  

Don't get me wrong, he likes water.  Loves the pool.  The lake however is deep and he can't swim.  So you can imagine my amazement when Lisa came home and showed me the picture.  What is even more amazing, is that he is scheduled for his first swimming lesson at the YMCA tonight.  

I think he was somewhat preparing for it.