Thursday, September 4, 2008

Are You Ready For Some Football???

Yes. Yes I am. Thank you for asking.

I am also ready for the Kansas City Chiefs to go 4 and 12. The only good that will come out of that will be the end of Carl Peterson.

What an Ass.


Scot said...

It's amazing that someone who is so universally despised and who has repeatedly shown they are completely inept at their job has been able to hang around so long.

Could it be that Carl Petersen has had Karl Rove working for him all these years?

Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

I think I'm a little more optimistic than you. I am predicting them to win 6 games. Honestly, you'd hope they could win all their home games, but I'm sure they will most likely screw that up twice.

Bill said...

He looks like the guy who sold me carpet in that picture