Friday, October 16, 2009

School Flies When You Are Having Fun

The Fall semester started in August. It is mid-October and we are already registering to pre-enroll for the Spring semester at the end of this month. Crazy. This week has played tricks on my mind. All of this preparation for the Spring (speaking with teachers, planning out a schedule, and registering) makes one think that this semester is close to being over, when in all actuality, it is only the midway point. Like I said, Crazy.

Another reason why I believe registering for pre-enrollment has played with my mind, is that I feel like I have only been pumping out projects two out of my four classes. Design Color and Typography (Type has become my favorite class so far) has been giving me the most work that lead to results. Results being finished projects accompanied by grades. Drawing and Photography have taken slower approaches. We just turned in our first project in Drawing last week, and the Photography teacher simply wants us to get comfortable with the whole photo development process before anything is due. Which is all good, I guess. I just hope these two classes aren't calms before the storms leading up to portfolio review.

And now for another one of my current Typography projects.

We had to write a research paper recently on a graphic designer. I picked Saul Bass even though I didn't know who he was. To be honest, the name stood out because of a Seinfeld episode. Kramer thought he saw Salman Rushdie at the gym and he was going by the name Saul Bass. Anywho, among a lot of design work, Saul Bass is most known for designing title sequences and posters in the 50's and 60's. Our next project, after the research paper, was to create a poster for the Nelson, as if it were holding an exhibit on your subject. The poster itself it to be strongly influenced on the subject, so in my case, Saul Bass.

Here are a few of his most famous posters.

Here are a couple of rough drafts that I have put together.

I like the second one a whole lot better than the first. Only because the second feels less like I just copied one of his old posters. After showing the teacher my thumbnail sketches for these, I was very surprised when she said that, after all of the years that they have assigned this Nelson project, that nobody had used the shuttlecock images in their posters. I found that extremely hard to believe.


Randman said...

I love Saul Bass's (?) title sequences and posters. His style is so unique and identifiable.

You did a great job on both posters. I myself like the first one better, but also the second. The shuttlecocks was a perfect addition.

Awesome job!

Sonic Nurse said...

i like both of them, but i agree that the second feels less like a copy and more of your own take.... esp regarding the colors............ and the shuttle cocks seem to fit better too into the yard, rather than the swirl......... either way, you've got a great eye.....