Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Pizza Man.

As I was contemplating ordering a pizza this evening, I remembered a story of the first pizza I ordered in our new house.

It happened back in late September.  Now that I think about it, I don't believe it was actually a pizza that I ordered but instead the pasta dish from Pizza Hut.  Anyway, I saw the delivery guy's face as he was getting out of the car.  My immediate thought was, "Huh, he looks kinda familiar" and opened the door.  As he was walking closer, he looked up at me and his eyes got kinda big and then quickly looked back down at his feet, then continued towards the front steps. Without looking at me he said "Hi", handed me my pasta and told me what I owed.  I looked at his name tag as I handed him the check.  It read "Alan", and then I realized that I handed seen this guy since kindergarten.

Now, ever since I left high school, I have never been a big fan of running into people I knew or used to go to school with.  Being who I am, I don't generally like people.  This is one of the many things that my father and my brother and I have in common.  It could be a gene thing, but I like to think that problem isn't all on this side of the table.  I think It goes beyond that.  I had many friends in elementary school, K-6 friends.  None of those friends were my friends in junior high, so I had to make new friends.  High School, had to make new friends again.  On graduation day I realized that I wasn't really friends with anyone in my own class.  

There is a mathematical equation in there somewhere as to why I do NOT like running into people I used to go to school with.  I'm not ashamed of anything.  I think it all comes down to the stupid, silly little chit-chat that goes along with it.  If I do see someone, I go out of my way to make sure that someone doesn't see me.

Anyway, back to the pizza guy.  Once i recognized him, I knew there would be no way out of talking with him once he recognized me.  It never got that far.  I handed him the check expecting to get a "Wait a minute, I know you" or something, but he just kept his head down and gave me my receipt.  

"Thank you" I said.

"Thank you" he said and swiftly turned around and headed back to his little pizza hut car.  

Because of the subtle yet strong emphasis on the word "you",  I don't think he was thanking me for the tip amount.  It was more like he was thanking me for not recognizing him."


Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

Quite the study in duality aren't we?

Anonymous said...

There is nothing more horrifying than being in the service industry, and having to serve someone you know. I'd rather run into them at the gas station any day, when I'm not forced to thank them for their tip. It's a pride thing. I'm guessing Alan may have felt the same way.

For the record, I don't like people either. I think it's a deep-down fear of social rejection. Or maybe it's genes. I'm glad to know I'm not alone.

Derek said...

I hate running into people I know for the same reason, I can't stand idle chit-chat. I don't care what you've been up to lately, I don't really care how your children are doing, I don't care how work is or where you're working now, I just DON'T CARE. That, along with the fact that I have never been able to fake enthusiasm, is why I do what you do . . . slink away before I'm noticed. Throw in the mix the fact that if I am at a store I am usually there for a reason (which is not leisurely shopping) in which case I like to get in and get out ASAP.
There are exceptions of course, like it it's someone I know really well or someone I have either just hung out with or am about to.
But I know my hatred for this are straight from my hatred for small talk.