Thursday, February 28, 2008

"W" stands for Winner!!!

I had to withdraw from one of my online classes yesterday. I am miserable about it. Although it was the right thing to do, all it means is that I am taking a big step back in preparing for my graphic design associates degree at Johnson County Community College.

This is my first time taking online classes. Business Math seemed like something I could handle without the need of a human instructor. Wrong. As much as I love math (and I do, I love it) this class was hard. The formulas seem easy enough, but I think that the fact that I am trying to do this all on my own is the problem. I just need that person, that figure to ask the occasional question to. Once I have that, I'll be fine.

I'll be back next semester, Business Math! Just you wait!!!!


Anonymous said...

If you have been struggling, then you did the right thing. Math is a wily beast. You are working towards your goal, so you shouldn't get discouraged by minor setbacks. Just keep swimming!

Paul Rixon said...

You're doing better than me. I'm withdrawing from all three of my classes at Penn Valley. I didn't realize how much I would hate school, so I'm not all that broken up over it. It kinda hurts in the pocket book, though.