I played
NCAA Football last night for four hours. I had bought the game a week ago but had never had the opportunity to play it until last night. Until now I had never owned a college football game. My left thumb is swollen and it feels like there is fluid building up under the skin.
The game is pretty fun, but it's just buying me time until
Madden comes out.
A friend of mine and I used to play the old Bill Walsh college football games a lot in the late mid-late 90's. The ones we played had a lot of older college teams on it from the 70's and 80's.
I don't know about now, but back then they couldn't put the players names on the jerseys so half the fun was trying to figure out what number was what player on the older teams, like Bo Jackson on Auburn and Dan Marino on Pitt, etc.
It was fun, but I still enjoyed Madden more. I bought Madden for the Wii last year and I didn't think it was as fun, you actually had to swing the remote to pass and stuff like that. Doing that is fun for some games, but I'd rather use the standard controller for Madden.
Steve just gave me his NCAA 2004 (for about the 28th time) to hide it for a long while. He tends to play and can't put it down until he's played an entire season and then he insists I put it in a place he can't access. I never quite remember how it comes out of hiding and back into the X-box.
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