Thursday, March 20, 2008

Logo? Check.

Isn't it purdy?? Tim's friend Carlos put it together. I don't know Carlos' last name, but if I had to guess, I'd say it was Awesome.

Next up, a professional group photo shoot. After that, you may soon see a Trip Fives website out there somewhere. An actual website. One that doesn't involve the words "my" or "space" or even "face" and "book". A real website.


sugarbumkin said...

I love the shiny.

Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

Very nice! I've been kicking around the idea of a Tantrum logo, but there may be some legal issues to address first.

Anonymous said...

With a logo like that, shouldn't you be the improv troupe formerly known as the Trip Fives?

improvclown said...


and this is what I had to type in so that my comment would show up:


Scot said...

That is one fine logo you got there mister.

Anonymous said...

That's really nice work—simple, sophisticated, on-trend but not trendy, thoughtful. Cool!

Hey, Pete...I thought Michael already designed a Tantrum logo. Isn't that's what's on our posters?