Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Now That's More Like It.

The Trip Fives had their first rehearsal in what seems like a long time.  Actually not since late February, but still, it seems like forever.  The best thing about tonight was that we got to do something that we haven't done since early 2007:  Rehearse Improv.

That's a long time to not actually focus on any aspects of improv whatsoever. Sure, we would warm up at the beginning and whatnot, but lately all of our focus have been on perfecting formats.  When Trish Berrong was directing us, we had a nice blend of warm-ups and exercises before focusing on whatever particular piece we would be presenting at the next show.  Once Trish moved on, we lost track of that direction.  Exercises became obsolete.  The Format!!! The FORMAT!!!  GOOD GOD, THE FORMAT!!! WE'VE GOT TO GET IT RIGHT!!!!  

Tonight however was different.  We've got around 6-7 different formats that we are comfortable with that could throw into the next show if we wanted. Plus we are splitting the stage with another group, Babel Fish.  So tonight, just the four of us, just Ed, Tim, Megan and myself, got to just play.  It was the most fun I have had at rehearsal in a long time.  AND we did something that I have always felt that we could do: Direct Ourselves.  We took turns on stage, two and a time, engaging in exercises that we have learned from past classes.  We shared what we knew and gave each other notes.  When one scene was over, we talked about it and then moved on.  

We all laughed.  We all learned, well, I'd like to think we all learned. And most importantly, we all had fun.  I missed that.

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