Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Price Is Right

The other day I am watching the Price Is Right before we leave the house to run errands.  Today I am still slightly befuddled at what I saw.  I witnessed the oldest person alive having the luckiest Price Is Right streak ever!!!  At one moment I ever screamed in joy at the television because I was so happy for her. She was so old I don't think she even realized what was going on.  We will call her Betty.  Here is what went down:

First Betty was chosen as one of contestants to "Come on down" by the announcer.  This is lucky in it's own way.  Then the first 4 members of Contestants' Row had to guess the price of a grandfather clock.  A fancy bell starts going off because somebody had guessed the exact price.  It was Betty. So not only was she the first to hit the stage, she was awarded $500 for her great guess.  Next up for her was the Race Game.  Betty, being Betty, got all 4 correctly on her very first try. Good job, Betty.  Then a few more contestants did their thing before it was time to spin the Big Wheel, where Betty the last of three to spin.  The first woman went over 100 in her two tries.  The gay guy that went next got 75 on the first try and elected to stay.  So Betty had to spin a 75 or better to continue to the Showcase Showdown. Her first spin was 40. Her second spin was 60 giving her an exact 100. She was happy.  Not only was she moving on but because she got to 100, she was given extra spin to win some extra dough.  If she spins and lands on either of the two green spaces (5 & 15) she would win $5,000.  If she lands on the silver 100 space, she would win $10,000. Can you guess what she landed on?  The old bat landed on the silver 100.  Even Drew Carey was beside himself.  Betty was beating every angle.  If the Price Is Right were a Las Vegas casino Betty would have been kicked to the curb already.  The lucky streak up to this point would have been good enough for anybody, but Betty wanted more. She went on to the Showcase Showdown, passed on the first showcase and decide to bid on the new trailer and the trip to Tokyo. She won. She won it all.  

Betty had beaten the Price Is Right system that day.  Who knows how she did it, but I seriously doubt if it will ever be repeated.  My hat goes off to you Betty.  If you die, please do not give the trip to Tokyo to your 12 cats.  That will make me hate you to no end.

1 comment:

Derek said...

I remember watching that when I was little and sometimes when I used to work 2nd shift. I've only seen one person guess the exact price while on Contestants row and have only seen one person come close enough to the actual price of the Showcase Showdown to win both prizes.
I used to watch the Price is Right in hopes of this game being one of the ones played: