Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Happy Birthday, Knucklehead!


Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

Happy Birthday Collin. Go out and celebrate with a pie in mom's face, seltzer down your dad's pants, and stepping on a rake!

The Union said...

Yay for another year!

TBinKC said...

Yay, little Brooooooooostad.

Good grief. There's no question he's your and Lisa's, is there? He's your genes right smack up against each other.

Anonymous said...

Five????? He can't be five. Wow! Happy celebration to all of you in your little brood. I hope the kitty got some cake.

Derek said...

Happy Birthday Collin! You're one year closer to retirement!

Scot said...

Wish Collin a happy belated birthday from Marla and I. Hopefully it was filled with plenty of fun and an acceptable amount of train related paraphernalia.