Wednesday, January 23, 2008

No Joke.

Though I can not say that i was ever really a fan of Heath Ledger, I can say that it is saddening to hear of his death.  I knew that, even before the movie's releases, his role as the Joker in the upcoming Dark Knight was going to have a HUGE impact on me.  For the past couple of months I have checked for updates, searched for new clips, and even read about how Heath lived alone in a hotel room for a month preparing for the role.  He started a diary, in which he wrote the Joker's thoughts and feelings to guide himself during his performance. This Joker, his Joker, is described as "a "psychopathic, mass murdering, schizophrenic clown with zero empathy".  Brokeback Mountain may have gotten him an Oscar nomination, but this movie will have immortalized him.

It's going to be hard watching this movie once it's out, knowing what happened to the actor shortly after finishing up the filming.  They don't have all the evidence about his death yet other than prescription sleeping pills by his side. There were reports that his sleeping patterns have been all screwed up and warped recently.  


Derek said...

I was never a fan of his either, the only movie I remember seeing him in was one of Mandy's high school love movies.
I heard that he was battling with severe insomnia, and the sleeping pills would only help him get an hour or so of sleep if he took the maximum dosage. Just a guess here, but I'm thinking that he took something like twice the max dosage and it magnified some pre-existing condition he had and that ultimately killed him.
From what I hear on the radio, he was a good guy and loving father.

Anonymous said...

was not impressed with ledger as joker, 100 actors coulda played this psycho ... he licked his tongue and over acted... sad he died but lets not make this another jim croce effect