Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Writing Checks My Butt Can't Cash!

Today I was on our bank's website site looking over our account balances. This is something I frequently do a few days before the next pay period. I had noticed that our savings account balance was not where it was the last time I checked, and this was odd because we haven't touched our savings account in a couple of months. So when I called the bank, I noticed something even more odd that seemed illogical.

I will quickly take us back a couple of weeks. I had to order new checks recently. I could not do it online because our address hadn't been updated according to the website. So I called a human and the ordering process was complete. Two weeks later we get our checks and write, write, write, because that's how we roll, Yo.

Back to today. As I am on hold with customer service I notice that the numbers at the bottom of our checks match our savings account number.


They sent us checks for our savings account. Now I am not going to get into how much we have in out savings account, but I can tell you this, the checks that we have written in the past few days would not cover it.

Not to worry though, the bank admitted their mistake and took it upon themselves to correct all the errors, order us new checks for free, and waive any fees that would come with this event.

This is the story of my 10 minute panic attack today.


Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

Does your butt require some sort of special identification in order to cash these checks or is your bank familiar enough with you that you don't need to verify that it is, in fact, your butt? What happens if you go to a bank that isn't your regular bank?

Anonymous said...

Butt cashing can be painful.

I just think it's pretty great that it only took 10 minutes, the bank took responsibility and all seems to have turned out well.

When you get good customer service it really does somehow redeem a part of the natural goodness in others.

Am I being too Pollyanna?

Anonymous said...

OK. So where's the commentary on Thunderdome?