As the morning DJ was playing a song list created by Joe Listener, he was having a contest, sort of, throughout the duration of the list. He wanted listeners to call and guess what the "theme" of Joe's list was. Whoever had the best answer would win tickets to some concert this weekend. I only heard one caller, but my guess is that he was right on the money. Not only with Joe Listener's list, but every "My List" that has ever been played on the station.
DJ: "What do you think Joe's theme is?"
Caller: "Songs that would be played on this station anyway."
The caller hit the nail on the head. The DJ tried to play it off like it was funny, saying something like, "Oh, so you think Joe is just being lazy?" HA. I bet not. I submitted a list back when they first started doing this. Did it get played? Of course not. Was I upset? Not really, but then I started hearing everyone else's playlist. It was a Joke. Are you telling me that everyone and their mother has at least one Red Hot Chili Peppers song in their list? I seriously doubt it. Even if they did, would all the songs be off of their last two albums. Hell NO! Every list was the Killers, Coldplay, Death Cab For Cutie, My Chemical Romance, 311, Sublime, Blink 182, and every other band that is in the Buzz's regular rotation.
A lot of lists had bands that I actually like, but come on, if any die hard Weezer fan is going to put one of their songs in their top ten list, it wouldn't by Buddy Holly. And do that many people out there like the Offspring that much? It's a Joke.
Anyway, I've though this way for a while, but hear the station today made we want to rant about it.
1 comment:
I was discussing this post with my brother over the weekend and he agrees with you. He said that while he and Kelly were in the car, they heard whatever the new Coldplay song is and then about 20 minutes later, the Flo-bots' handlebars song (sorry, don't know the title) - three times in about a 6 hour time span! "The alternative" should be renamed "the predictable alternative" or perhaps "the safe alternative".
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