I Hate these things. Hate!
When Lisa and I first got married and lived with her aunt, these hideous creatures lurked the inside of our house at night. Often times I would be playing the Playstation at wee hours of the night with nothing but the glow of the television as my source of light. These things would freak-me-out as I seem the scurry across the floor in front of the t.v. Then I get up and turn on the light to kill them and they just hop away. Awful things!!! We had no idea where they were coming from. They liked hanging out in the bathroom, so my best guess is that they come from the sewer.
Anyway, when we moved I was hoping that our mutated spider problem was in our past.
I was hoping.
One greeted me at the bottom of the stairs on my way to do laundry. I greeted him with my foot, fast.
I'm thinking about heading up to Lowe's tomorrow and stock up on some ammo. If and when I see them again, I'll be ready.
That is a seriously creepy bug. I'd be on a chair, screaming and crying.
Ortho Home Defense
You can thank me later.
Before we moved to our current house Marla and I had never seen these vile creatures before. Now they are ever present. They mostly stay in the basement, but a few times throughout the year it seems like you can find one in every room. On one occasion a spider cricket (thats what they will always be to me) even jumped onto Marla's face while we were sleeping! We bought our shopvac primarily for the purpose of sucking these bastards up. It may not be as effective as bombing them, but Marla and I just aren't fans of chemicals and poisons. As long as I can suck up a few every time I go to the basement to get something or do laundry then I feel like I am at least holding the line.
Good luck whichever way you choose to fight them.
We have to bomb our house every summer. It works great though. Just plan to be out of the house all day, wrap your dishes well, and KILL EM ALL! Kill em all. Before they breed or mutate.
when my grandparents found out that we had these in our house he asked me to come over and see HIS collection....
He took me down to his basement and pulled out a big sheet of paper... of sticky paper.... at least an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet... maybe bigger... anyway, they were covered in cricket spiders. all in various stages of molding and decay...what a delight! guess we'll never escape them...
This post sent shivers down my spine and sent me into flashbacks to senior year of college 12 years ago when I lived in the basement of a house infested with these Satan's minions. I got curious and made the mistake of googling "cave crickets," and now I am having flashbacks. Crawl on my face at night, eat my posters, crawl into my shoes - if it was creepy, they did it. I developed such a hatred that I used to have a can of Raid in my shower, next to my shampoo. When one of those a**holes would hop into the shower (yes, they did that too), I would give him just a short little blast of Raid. Not enough to kill instantly, but just enough to cause a slow, twitching, hopefully agonizing death. I'm not proud of it, but it provided me with some grim satisfaction.
Good luck and fight the good fight!
my basement is filled with these little basterds one time i was lifting weights in our basement and one of them fell right on my face
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