Friday, July 18, 2008

Dark Indeed

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We went and saw The Dark Knight this morning, and it was everything I wished it would have been and more.  Those are my thoughts and opinions at this very moment.  Usually I don't like to start dissecting a movie until I have stewed over it for a couple of days, thinking about every little bit that I liked and disliked. This film was different.  I wasn't watching this movie as an adult. I watched it as a kid. 

Lisa already wants to go see it again.  She was blow away.  I think she expected it to be entertaining, but I don't think she expected it be that good as a whole. The acting was probably one of the best things about it, which usually is absent from most comic book films. Rumors are already starting to pop up about oscar nominations for the late Heath Ledger.  He was, dare I say it, a brilliant Joker.  Sick, twisted, and definitely different from Jack Nicholson's take on the murderous psychopath. (There were moments that were hard to watch because I'd be enjoying his performance so much, then realize that he is dead. It was sad.)  But to me, Ledger's performance wasn't even the best part.  Aaron Eckhart blew me away.  

Aaron Eckhart

I was more enthralled with his Harvey Dent than anything else. Maybe that's just because I knew of his character's fate.  But still, his performance should not be overlooked.  And all the rest of the actors that rounded out the cast; Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman, they all gave great performances.  Even Maggie Gyllenhaal wasn't too shabby. 

The kid in me loved it.  The adult in me loved it.  They both can't wait to see it again.

1 comment:

Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

I liked it so much more than Batman Begins (which put me to sleep). My only complaints are the length of the movie (there were several endpoints they could have hit and I still would have been very pleased) and Maggie Gyllenhaal (I didn't care for her performance at all). I think someone on one of the blogs I read wrote that it looked like her face was melting and the more I think of it, the more it strikes me as true.

I would definitely see it again.